Passcape Windows Password Recovery is a tool to analyze network security and Windows that serves as a password recovery utility. This tool is a password recovery solution most advanced patented technology developed at the Software Passcape, such as Artificial Intelligence or phrase Pass-attack.
- Easy set up and use. Easily recovers or resets forgotten passwords to any Windows account.
- Imports hashes from remote computers.
- Import hashes from system shadow copies, restore points, backup and repair folders.
- Can backup\save local registry files and Active Directory database.
- Imports password history hashes.
- Recovers some account passwords on the fly (when importing locally).
- Supports Active Directory (domain accounts).
- Supports importing from 64-bit systems.
- Exports hashes to the PWDUMP file.
- The program supports multithreading, fully leveraging the power of modern computers
- The software has 13 types of different attacks; some of them are unique, implemented upon patented technologies.
- And much more...
For PassWord See the Comment..
Pass: freesoft88